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Workplace Return and Work Reimagined
Earlier in 2020 I was asked to speak with former colleagues on the subject of Workplace Return and Work Reimagined. I discussed how many organisations were seeing the opportunities presented by more flexible working as an opportunity to plan a very different future...

Leadership in a new reality
I was recently asked to share some really practical examples for leaders to help them adapt their style and behaviours for working in a very different Post-Covid world. We developed a simple, practical checklist. View the checklist here
Organisation Design Consulting
We utilise a number of methodologies and frameworks to support our clients with Operating Model Design and Organisation Design Challenges. Experience tells us that every client situation is unique and that different desired outcomes require tailored approaches.
Please contact us to examine which approach and tools will be right for your project.

People Consulting
We use a wide range of tools and frameworks to support our clients in developing talent strategies and culture programmes. For copyright reasons we are not permitted to share these resources with you for download.
Contact us to find out more about how we can help shape and implement your People Programmes

Transformation Consulting
At 246 Consulting we have developed our own ThreeD Transformation Framework that utilises leading practice gained from over 20 years transformation experience. The three ‘D’s – Direction, Design and Delivery, apply to any transformation programme and are applied in different ways depending on the unique circumstances of each client.
Please download the approach and contact us to discuss how it can be applied to support your transformation.

Future of Work Consulting
Please download the models above and contact us to discuss how they can be applied to support your transformation circumstances.
Please check back regularly to our Resources to read our latest points of view and hear about our latest projects.
Future of Work Strategy
Download links:
- Leadership Checklist for working in a new Flexible Working World.
- Future of Work Strategy Model
- Work reimagined Strategy Planner
Hear me discuss Workplace Return and Work Reimagined here.
Contact us for more information.

246 Consulting puts People at the heart of Business Change

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