Transformation through people


Our People








About 246 Consulting

246 Consulting was formed in 2020. We deliver tailored people, organisation and transformation consulting solutions to large UK and Ireland based clients. We are passionate about helping our clients deliver business results through optimising their organisational effectiveness and truly valuing and inspiring their People.

Organisations are rightly challenging many of their ‘norms.’ They are seeking changes to their operating model, organisational structures, teams and ways of working. With a 20-year global ‘Big 4’ Consulting background we are excited to use that experience to help clients shape and implement future-focused organisations.

246 Consulting puts People at the heart of Business Change

Andrew Kerr

 Owner and Managing Partner

“My most rewarding professional experiences have seen the creation of highly effective, forward looking organisations with a genuine passion for looking after their people…the business results delivered makes the effort involved in their transformation journeys so worthwhile”

Contact Andrew:

Andrew is a highly experienced, globally mobile, Consulting Leader in People, Organisation and Transformation.

He moved to Ireland with Deloitte in 2016 following a 20+ year professional and consulting career in UK, Switzerland, Spain and Australia (AT Kearney, Deloitte)

Until July 2020 he worked as an Associate Partner with EY Consulting UK & Ireland, based in Dublin

He began his career in the Automotive sector, working in Sales and Customer Service with Ford Motor Company and spent 4 years in Systems Integration with Perot Systems (now Dell Consulting)

Andrew holds a BSc in Manufacturing Engineering and Economics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, a certificate in eBusiness from Columbia, New York and an MBA from IE Business School, Madrid


  • Operating model and organisation design
  • Future of Work – building organisational collaboration and agility at scale
  • Transformation – change leadership, culture, business readiness, change management, digital adoption
  • Programme management, governance, and assurance for large capital projects
  • Strategy
  • Talent strategy, leadership, and coaching
  • Growing and leading international, cross-functional consulting teams

Now based on the beautiful North Coast of Northern Ireland with his wife and three young children, allows Andrew to work with a wide network of local and global associates to continue to help Irish and UK clients solve their most complex People, Organisation and Transformation Challenges.

Designing dynamic, future-focused organisations


Be Curious Read, explore, constantly learn

Be Challenging  Not afraid to question conventional thinking

Seek Balance  In work and in life. Avoiding the complacency of the comfort zone but not always ‘on the edge’ either

Be Future Focused Learn lessons from the past. More importantly, spend 90% of your energy working towards the future

Have integrity always do the right thing 

You reap the culture you sow build the company you would want your kids to work for

Work Style

Sustainable business change occurs when the people in an organisation truly ‘own’ that change for themselves. 

At 246 Consulting we are focused on listening, facilitating and problem solving jointly with our clients. 

We influence, we coach and sometimes we advise – with the onus always on helping you come up with solutions that will work for your business.

Implementing behavioural change is difficult. Effective delivery of change experience is at the core of what we do, and we pride ourselves in partnering with you throughout your projects – equipping and supporting your teams to make sure the value hits the bottom line.

Associates and Delivery Partners

We have a network of associates and delivery partners in UK, Ireland, EMEA, Australia and USA that helps us serve the needs of our Irish and UK clients with global operations, strategies and growth plans. Some also provide specialist services that may be an important part of your business transformation but are not core skills offered by 246Consulting.

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